Books Bygone

Friday, January 2, 2015

Please Update Your Booksmarks

Big Food, Big Garden, Big Life has moved to 

a WordPress blog hosted by Blue Host. is still the same Big Food, Big Garden, Big Life-- just bigger & better!

There are some new features such as a Crappy Old Book of the Month series. Recipe organization and search is much improved. Rocky & Missy have their own category heading! And according to Miss M, Kat & Daughter C, the site is a lot prettier. Come on over and let me know what you think. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Before I leave here, I'd like to say "Thank you" for sticking with me & this site through the Lost Summer of '14. Many of you know why posting was non-existent for days and weeks on end. I greatly appreciate you're continuing to check back in. 

Here's to a wonderful New Year for all of us!

See you over at !

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Out with the Old

Check it out! Big Food Etc. grows up with a dot com of its own.

The new site is still not ready for prime time viewing-- there's only so much html I can ask of Kat in a single day-- so I'll still be posting here. But check the new site frequently throughout the day and you may catch a "test post" in which I spit out a cuss word or two. (Quoting poetry is hard.)

Happy New Year!

Up the Hill, Down the Hill

Old One, lie down,
Your journey is done,
Little New Year
Will rise with the sun.
Now you have come to
The foot of the hill,
Lay down your bones,
Old Year and lie still.

Young one, step out,
Your journey’s begun,
Weary Old Year
Makes way for his Son.
Now you have started
To climb up the hill,
Put best foot forward,
New Year with a will.

Up the hill, down the hill,
Which is the best?
Up-hill is labour,
And down-hill is rest.

The New Book of Days, Eleanor Farjeon (Henry Z. Walck, Incorporated, New York, 1941)