Books Bygone

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wind and solar power are...

We are so green.

The best information I can find on this comes from a government site (data presented as monthly averages). So, according to The Government, not quite 1/2 the days in December, the least sunny month, are sunny days here. From April through September, over 70% of the days-- three weeks each month!-- are sunny. Lord! I just looked at where we used to live. No wonder we moved!

Lots of people around here have clothes lines, even in the mini-city. I'll grant that some things are easier to dry in the Electric drier* than on the line. And you can't always count on the weather being what it should be on wash day.** But still, is it really that hard to hang some things out and let them dry in the breeze?

* Every family has-- I hope has-- family stuff like this. Remember Jeff Foxworthy's Olympics in Georgia schitk? I can't seem to find the version I'm looking for right now, but there is one that says something about Ray and Faylean Walker donating clothes poles for the pole vault because "Faylean done got herself an Electric dryer." "Electric dryer" with a very long E. We actually say it that way a lot. For fun. So, for example, Mx would never say, "electric dryer," but he would always say, "Electric dryer," with a very long E.

** I'll be posting about wash day soon.

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