Books Bygone

Thursday, November 10, 2011

If anyone is listening,

I won't be talking much except when I give myself a timeout. 

As I write it's 9:19pm on Wednesday. (I scheduled this post.) We don't expect them until 2:30am, or later. I hope she doesn't speed. Not that it takes that long, but just I imagine a stop & rob stop with them in Southaven would be a delightful way to kill 30 minutes. 

There will be a lot of laughing. 

Lord, please remind C that the Waffle House in Batesville is nasty.

Meanwhile, I left a note saying the coffee would be ready at 6am and I'd see them in the morning.
Now I lay me down to sleep;
I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake.
I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take;
And this I ask for Jesus' sake. Amen.


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.