Books Bygone

Friday, November 4, 2011

In just 17 hours or so

youth deer hunting season begins in Mississippi.

If there are any girls or boys out there under the age of 16 who would like to grab their deer rifles and don "500 square inches of unbroken hunter orange"* please give me a call.

Please excuse the weeds.

Eaten peas

*Shouldn't this be "500 unbroken inches?"


  1. Testing...testing...!

    I've posted from home, but the comments disappeared...

    On another blog, apparently since I installed "NoScript" - a program that blocks javascript - my comments have been going into the spam file. If your blog has one (spam file), would you be kind enough to check to see if I have some comments in there? I'm working on fixing the problem.

    At this point, I'm commenting from my work computer. We'll see if it shows up. If so...back to the NoScript!

    Anyway...I've heard of Snow Peas...I guess that since you're so far south, you don't get much snow, so "no peas" is what you've got!

  2. Aha. It works. Now to figure out which Script my home computer is blocking that prevents it from showing up when I comment from home...!

  3. Aha. It works. Now to figure out which Script my home computer is blocking that prevents it from showing up when I comment from home...!

  4. Indeed. You were in the spam folder but you are no longer! Now off to see what you've had to say.

  5. Testing testing...

    Found a cookie thing that was being blocked...lets see if this works...

  6. Your test from yesterday was in the spam folder again!


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