Books Bygone

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Possible World

We and a regional financial institution own a nice house and piece of land in rural Mississippi. It's not all that big, but it's Big enough for us.

Before we saw The Farm, we looked at several houses and pieces of property. One of the factors in the decision over which piece of land to buy that figured big in my mind was size. A piece of land would need to be Big enough to split three ways, with all three ending up with a sizable property. It would need to be Big enough to accommodate us all at the same time-- and Big enough for privacy.

Farther Along Farm satisfies a lot of conditions.

This past week was the "Possible World Week" during which we (almost) all co-existed at Farther Along Farm. I think it went well. Rocky learned a lot. He can differentiate males from females and he has learned how important that bit of knowledge is to his maleness. 

Mr. Big Food was getting restless near the end. He loves them all. He loves that they cook & bake. But he wanted his kitchen back.  He loves them! 

Dry run. Need more kitchens.

I neglected blogging while they were all here.

Mr. Kant arrives tomorrow.

I have a "metaphysics" label. Should I have a "Kant" label? That just don't seem right.

1 comment:

  1. I have 5 kids. I've always wanted 200 acres. That way, when I die, they each get 40 acres. And a horse. I don't have any mules (except perhaps my DH occasionally!)

    Other than that, a couple of extra bedrooms for visitors, a couple of extra bathrooms and a _really_ big kitchen with lots of storage space would be terrific. I like kitchen gadgets...and about a year's worth of food in my pantry (which I don't have - the garage will have to do)...I need lots of storage space.

    DH complains that I have too much canned food on my shelves - but he also expects to find what he wants when he needs it!

    I check into a number of blogs that emphasize prepping for times of need. I haven't figured out how to do that, exactly - it sort of seems like how I've always lived.

    Part of that is probably "inherited" from my Mom...we were in the military, and she never knew when Dad would call at 4PM and say "So and so is in town - I've invited him to dinner" and she had to "entertain" with only a couple of hours notice. And in those days, nobody had two family cars - so no shopping. It was in the cupboard or in the freezer or you could forget it.


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