Books Bygone

Thursday, December 8, 2011

5 in 1000

H/t Instapundit who links to

Add caption; I would if I could think of one.
According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, hunting with firearms is one of the safest recreational activities in America (here’s the press release and here’s the fact sheet with sources provided).
Here's the link to the whole short piece (where the links in the quote are hot). 

You know me, I have some questions about what counts as an "injury,"* but assuming what counts is consistent across activity, ... well the numbers speak for themselves, now don't they?

* I didn't follow the links. Are there differences in sample sizes? How were these data collected? Et cetera. That the data are presented "According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation" make me want to be particularly careful about the methodology of data collection and analyses, even though I like the result.

This, my friends, is what we should aim to teach our children. How easy would it be to take the numbers in this chart and make fun of those helmeted bicyclists who suffer injury at a three times a higher rate than gun tottin' hunters? Very easy. I won't do that. Because I haven't looked at the numbers.

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