Books Bygone

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fill 'er up

This is a scheduled post. We've returned from Texas, and will soon be traveling to North Carolina. I'll be back in real time before the New Year.

A car, which has found a permanent parking space, in Fredericksburg, Texas.

The view from a bench outside an over priced hotel.
Chevron. Mobile. Whatever. One and the same.

Bad BIG. 

Remember when you could trust your car to the man who wore the star? I came across something from those crappy olden days I'd like to share. 

From Harbrace Handbook of English.
The Texas Company = Texaco. Page 399 shows the properly addressed envelope. 

Can you imagine? That was only 70 years ago!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when AAA and a Trip-Tik were necessities for a trip if you didn't want to get lost.

    These days, as I travel half way across the country (which I intend to do about the middle of January), the directions are simple: Starting in Los Angeles, get on the Interstate 10. Stay on it until I arrive in San Antonio. That's it.

    No adventure, no mystery. No mistakes. I'll still get a trip-tik so I know where the gas stations are and where I should stay over night...but it's no wonder that AAA is more about insurance these days than guiding travelers.


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