Books Bygone

Friday, December 2, 2011

From the Vault

Me & a Jack Craval (sp) in the Gulf several years ago.* **
As I mentioned, Mr. Big Food is taking me to ___ for the weekend. The destination is a surprise. I've played pretty fair about this--  something I cannot say for Daughter C. who called yesterday to "check on Rocky," but who really called to sing, "I know where you're going" to me.

I've been assured that I will not have to cross the Mississippi River, but I may have to cross water (there's water everywhere in Mississippi-- and in Alabama, and Florida). I know the general timeline, and have been given a weather forecast. I've been told to pack clothes for the day that are warm but o.k. to get dirty. And that Mr. Big Food will be packing up the truck before he leaves for work-- and that might give the general destination away.

What do you think? I'm thinking I might be doing some fishing. :-) It's not like he'd be packing the chainsaws in the truck is it? A birthday trip to a shopping outlet mall would be a birthday trip to Hell as far as I'm concerned. And we pay enough taxes so we're not going to a casino. 

Oh. Does he know where our fishing licenses are? He hasn't asked. Therefore, we must be going fishing in Alabama. I did mention recently that I could eat some oysters. Hummm.

* I know perfectly well that it should be "A Jack Craval and I" but I am reluctant to change it. I am reluctant to put a fish before a person. And it's not a sentence, now, is it? It's a picture of me and a fish.

** Thanks to Mr. Big Food's Mom & Dad for a great vacation!

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