Books Bygone

Saturday, December 31, 2011

We are doomed (Updated)

to begin and end 2012 with a kitchen counter filled with dirty pots and pans that facilitated a wonderful New Year's Eve supper. (It's early. I can still change this timeline.)

UPDATE:  Daughter C and I colluded to get 'er done. We'll have nothing but clean kitchens in 2012. Whew.

Mr. Big Food, Daughter C, and Rocky have money tucked away in various places on their persons to ensure that at the end of 2012, they will be able to have money tucked away in various places on their persons.

One United States Dollar that Rocky can trade in for ____ .

So do I.

 My 76 year old United States Dollar 
Certifies that there is on Deposit in the Treasury of The United States of America One Dollar in Silver to the Bearer on Demand
I just lit a cigarette and it occurred to me that only reason I don't throw my Silver Certificates into the fire is because they are collectors' items. They are relics. I oppose burning relics.


  1. Happy New Year!!

    Just to keep in the spirit of the day, I won't say anything about the dollar.

    Or just exactly how much silver you'd get if you were to attempt to turn your silver certificate in for the real thing...

  2. I know. They are relics of another day.

    According to a few web sites, the value of my 1935 E series (with no motto, in poor condition) is about $1. But it can still be used as legal tender which means it's worth a buck. Further, what cost $1 in 1935 would cost over $15 today.

    Happy New Year!


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