Books Bygone

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another evening,

another supper here at The Farm. 

The beans with paprika look like a big glob here but they were very good. Paprika:Bean was excellent. (As is the custom, recipe tomorrow.) The breading on the boneless, skinless chicken breasts was so light it fell off as soon as it was touched. So tasty.

I had the fortune of sitting in a physician's office this afternoon. Via the canned television, I was informed that "crispy" was "code for fattening." I'm not kidding. I also saw some interesting "estimated" statistics from the Mississippi Department of Health printed on a piece of paper and scotch-taped to a door. I read the individual words, as they were presented left to right, to Mr. Big Food. 

We try very hard to be on our best behavior when we go to The Big Cities. But honest to God, you'd think the folks in The Big Cities could at least try to write properly.

The quickest way from Tupelo to the Farm is the Trace. It was kind of a miserable misty January day; I don't think the temps were over 50. Other than the eight deer who crossed the road in front of me in a residential neighborhood in Starkvegas, nothing exciting happened.


I like my chicken and my shrimp extra-CRISPY. Thank you.


  1. >>I was informed that "crispy" was "code for fattening.">>

    I've been thinking about the "crispy = fattening" thing.

    They're probably right. Think about it... You cook food by frying, steaming, boiling, or baking. Or BBQing. Steaming, boiling and baking don't really produce "crispy". BBQing, maybe - but it's not the same as "crispy" that you get from frying. Frying = using some kind of fat. Fat = fattening, therefore, "crispy" equals "fattening".

    And if it wasn't also _good_, we wouldn't have to worry about the "fattening" part!

  2. Humm. Not sure about that logic. Fat ≠ necessarily = fattening. Trust me. If it did, I would weigh more than I weigh.

  3. Carbohydrates = 4 calories per gram.
    protein = 4.4
    alcohol = 7.0
    fat = 9.0

    Fat is fattening. Of course, it isn't really that simple - too many other extraneous factors - it's all about input and outgo. When input exceeds outgo, it's fattening, no matter what the source of calories. It's just that fat runs up the total PDQ!

  4. Poppycock.

    An EXCESSIVE intake of fat is fattening, relative to an excessive intake of carbs and proteins. (And the "factors" that you don't mention aren't at all "extraneous.") Burn it, convert it, or store it. These are your body's only options.

    With respect to fat, the "convert it" option is often overlooked. So, for example, suppose Daughter C was a wing nut and bought into the Bloomberg no-fat drivel and fed Rocky only no-fat dog food. Poor little Rocky would be spending an awful lot of energy trying to put together the building blocks of cholesterol so that he could make some testosterone. He would soon run out of basics building blocks. You cannot make steroid hormones without fat. Case closed.

    Within the context of the crispy chicken breast recipe posts-- "Crispy is code for fattening"-- there's no excess in this recipe. There is excess in KFC. But the generalization is false.

    I repeat: Fat ≠ necessarily = fattening.


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