Books Bygone

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Miss Manners

Missy had-- continues to be having-- a tough night, even though she had a good day.

I think she misses Rocky. It's amazing how quickly he picked up on my suggestion that he set a good example. But since it's the weekend, and Daughter C has been home for some portion of it, we haven't seen much of Rocky lately. And Missy really is forgetting her manners.
I did go w/C when she took Rocky to the front pasture for a walk. My God! That dog can run. And behave.

I took Missy to the front pasture, too. I've interrupted previous walks through the front pasture to reinforce simple commands such as STOP. SIT. Etc. with varying degrees of success. (See how easy it is to sound like you know what you're talking about?) 

On our first trip, I dispensed with all of the manners stuff and let her stop and explore and tug. 

On our second (my third, we need a gate closer to the house) trip to the front pasture, I set her Free. Twice. She did well.  

Remember, big as she is, she's only five months old.

On a related note, I got a text from Miss M. this morning. 
I firmly believe Southern girls ought to be brought ups with better manners than any other.
I agreed.

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