Books Bygone

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Talking about tomatoes

September 2010
Suek and I have been chatting about tomatoes in the comments here. I'm a nut for heirloom tomatoes but it's really important to appreciate that any tomato that you grow in a container or in the ground at your own home-- or weekend getaway-- is far far superior to a store-bought tomato.

July 2007
Remember-- there's* only two things that money can't buy and that's true love and home grown tomatoes. Guy Clark:
Home grown tomatoes, home grown tomatoes
What'd life be without home grown tomatoes
There's only two things that money can't buy
That's true love and home grown tomatoes

You can go out and eat 'em, that's for sure
But there's nothin' a home grown tomato won't cure
You can put 'em in a salad, put 'em in a stew
You can make your own, very own tomato juice
You can eat 'em with eggs, you can eat 'em with gravy
You can eat 'em with beans, pinto or navy
Put em on the side, put em on the middle
Home grown tomatoes on a hot cake griddle
 Lyrics here. Tune here

My naive understanding is that if SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) is enacted, I'll just have committed a Federal Crime by posting these lyrics.

Naively, SOPA is like the updated Lacy Act. Don't believe me? Go ask Gibson Guitars. 
Should be "there're." There is only one thing. There are only two things.


  1. Heh. I was _really_ impressed by your tomatoes ... until I saw the date on the photo...!!

    They're still great looking - but just not as impressive as they'd be if that photo date said January instead of July!

    Actually, my tomatoes look just about as good - even in January - but if you looked a bit more closely, you wouldn't see the blooks...oh wait...I was going to say ... your blooms are white and plentiful...mine are yellow and at the moment, non-existent...then I realized I was looking at pepper blooms - not tomato blooms! The tomatoes will take the lower temps we're having now, especially in the protected area where they're planted - but they won't set fruit. I think the lowest night temps for setting fruit are about 50* - and we're regularly in the mid-forties. Peppers just can't handle the temps outside of a hot house.

    Last year I had one plant that survived the winter, produced tomatoes early this year and bore fairly heavily, then gave up the ghost. It was a bit odd. I thought that as long as it made it through the winter, it would flourish during the summer as well - but it didn't.

  2. Some of those photos were from Cincinnati-- where you can NOT have tomatoes in January! (Although I did over-winter peppers inside.)

    Here we can get plants in the ground about 4/1 or so. We're still just zone 7b.

    This year is the year we blow up an outbuilding we have and put in a regulation greenhouse. The hope is year-round tomatoes then. Cross your fingers this gets done!

    And right, they won't set fruit if the night time temps are below mid-50s or so. And also if above mid-70s-- making August a tough months for tomatoes here.


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