Books Bygone

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tough Love

Remember that? Daughter C is tough.

Today is Missy's One Week Anniversary here at the Farm. 

In retrospect, it was sort of nuts to bring a new Big Dog into the mix when we had Company and had to go to Memphis, Tennessee. But when would have been a better time? 

It's 9:30pm. She was cooped up for nine hours, after having slept for six or seven or so. 

She's cooped up again, but she's okay.  

The Experts tell me I should challenge her. Okay.  

I challenge you to learn that you'd rather be free than in your box. Behave
We need to work on "COME" because we need to go to the front pasture. It's fenced in. I hope she can swim. 

Rocky is becoming an excellent dog.

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