Books Bygone

Friday, January 20, 2012

You know what the alternative is? UPDATED

The alternative is you go get in your box.

I would never have dreamed that I'd have to command Rocky to get up on the bed with Mr. Big Food. But that's just what I had to do. 

It's been a long evening day. 

Years ago, I actually read a few things about pair bonding. 

I think I've managed to organize our "den" so that we have an efficient (i.e., lowest possible energy expenditure on my part) trajectory to pair bonding Peace & Harmony. The Suz has finally circled her way down. After several failed attempts at commanding him to go to sleep, Rocky is quietly wandering around in the vicinity of Missy's new and improved cage. Now he's just laying very near. She's uttering a few barks and whines, he pays some attention. 

Of course. He walks to the door. What a good dog.

I'm not entirely sure who is going to win the war on play fighting. But there is no question in my mind that they are bonding. There's something sort of tragic about Rocky independently sitting outside her box, which is far superior to his, while she's in a circumstance that is not at all different that what she was in a day or two ago. Right. She's in a new & improved box with Rocky circling nearby and me blogging about her. Poor Dear.

My hope is that if I can teach Missy some manners, they can be independent together!

Through the cage, they are nose to nose. 

Efficient = Let Rocky Teach Missy the basics, and I can go from there. Rocky already knows that Suzy goes first. 

UPDATE: All is quiet. 

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