Books Bygone

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lunch at High Noon

Late this morning, someone at High Noon Café in Jackson, Mississippi made me one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches-- I chose the real cheese option-- I've ever had.

I am not keen on consuming "certified" "organically" "pure" foodstuff just because the stuff has a rubber stamp (thankfully no longer made from a rubber tree) assuring me of the purity of the lineage of individual carbon atoms in said foodstuff. And I wouldn't know the difference between cold pressed and warm or hot pressed (are these the alternatives?) olive oil if my life depended on it. But I do appreciate a very good grilled cheese sandwich on very good bread.

Mr. Big Food enjoyed the High Noon Burger-- a

beet burger--
accompanied by potato salad. 

Q: How hard is it to make vegan... oh wait. Come to think of it, there were no hard boiled eggs in it. The potato salad was good.


  1. Say it ain't so, a Beet Burger???

  2. He said, "if this is what I'd have to eat it I were a vegan, it's not that bad."

    How about we have a homemade beet burger recipe contest? LOL.

  3. LOL. Been vegetarian before, not going back.


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.