Books Bygone

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mississippi Silver

"The pods are silver-green and produced [sic] large, meaty, brown seeds."
Some seeds arrived yesterday! 

I'll be anxious to try these-- fresh blackeyed peas (cowpeas) are far superior to dried blackeyes, in my opinion. I don't even mind shelling peas and beans. It's a fine "idle hands" task-- gives me something constructive to do while I watch my stories.

Today, since the dogs are now 100% obedient and I have free time, I'll begin to germinate some old seed-- some as old as 2008!-- between layers of paper towels. I had a devil of a time last year with beans. Between poor germination rates and rabbits, it was a very unproductive year for legumes. So this year, I'll test my bean seed especially and what doesn't germinate well, I will use for sprouts.

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