Books Bygone

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pot Luck Charity

If you tried to hold a series of potluck dinners where a majority brought nothing to the table, but felt entitled to eat their fill, it would probably work out badly.
So says Glenn Reynolds (a.k.a., Instapundit) in today's Washington Examine. In his article, Reynolds is commenting on  Charles Sykes new book, A Nation Of Moochers: America’s Addiction To Getting Something For Nothing.

This past Friday evening our local Baptist Church held its annual "chicken, deer, quail supper." It's a pot luck thing. A handful of men coordinate the chicken, deer, and quail. Everyone else brings something or otherwise participates. (As a strategy, it works.) I knew about the Supper before I saw it in the newspaper because Nancy at the United States Post Office told me. She invited us to come. [We don't go to Church as often as we should.] She also told me that this year, the proceeds would go to benefit a late middle-aged man at the Church who has just been diagnoses with pancreatic cancer. His wife works with Nancy at the Post Office.

We've been to the chicken, deer, quail supper and we brought a dish-- broccoli corn bread if I am not mistaken. Talk about delicious (both the supper and the cornbread). The Supper is the Big Food Manual writ large! You can get carry out plates. :-)

But what with feeling badly about not having gone to Church in a while, and with Remy coming and not knowing Remy well enough then-- before Friday-- to know if  he would enjoy a chicken, deer, quail pot luck supper at the Local Baptist Church, we opted not to go.

The next time I was in the United States Post Office, I wrote out a check and gave it to Nancy. She called the Church to make sure I should make the check out to the Church, with the man's name on the notation line.

The paper came Thursday. (I know it's Sunday evening, but I'm a little behind.) Turns out, he has a lot of friends.

The third item down the first column under the main heading, Calendar of Events, is titled, "Benefits for _____ ." There are three sparse paragraphs. Deer Rifle. Auction. Benefit. 

I've been reading my local paper for quite some time, and I'm guessing someone got himself a nice deer rifle for Christmas. And I'm guessing he's someone who would rather have a friend than a deer rifle. Also, Woodman of the World is having a benefit. Wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be a pot luck of some sort.

Under the heading of Church News, was the notification of the Supper. "This year, all donations will go to the _____ family."

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