Books Bygone

Thursday, February 9, 2012


As Readers Who Are Family may have noticed, I have talked (blogged) very little about Suzy, our Walker Hound who will turn 17½ years old in just a couple of days. I'm not superstitious, but I thought the less I tempted fate, the better.

That's silly!

Mr. Big Food and I were just chatting about how Rocky and Missy have affected Suzy's life. It's all good.

One of my motivations for getting a dog-- now known as Missy-- was ultimately Suzy. 

Mr. Big Food and I had a dog plan. When Suzy passed over, I would get a German Shepherd mutt, and he would get a hound dog. But then, Rocky came to live with us. 

Rocky's first day on the Farm

Suzy's a great old girl, and thanks to Rocky, she learned how to bark again. 

But two things were obvious: 1) Suzy wasn't passing over any time soon, and 2) Rocky needed a playmate.

In the past year, a lot of dogs have traipsed through this house. Not to anthropomorphize, but I think Suzy's life was enriched by each & every one.  


  1. I love Suzy :) Please keep us updated on how she's doing (and more pics of Rocky/Missy please!)

  2. We wake up every morning, and we go to bed every evening, remarking that she's still alive. And Flourishing, in her own Special Way.


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