Books Bygone

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Two places

at "one" time.

I think I need to adjust the shutter speed, or something.
It is remarkable how far they've come in just five weeks, given my ignorance of the principles of obedience training, etc.

Suzy has begun to wag her tail in situations where tail-wagging would be appropriate. There are two alternative hypotheses for her appropriate tail wagging. To choose between them, I would have to collect data-- and I do not have time to collect behavioral data.

But briefly, here  are the alternatives.
1) All of this canine stimulation has rekindled (old/new gene firing) things in Suzy such that she's happy to be alive and living among her fellow canines, getting respect, being well fed by her peeps, getting as much exercise as she likes... . She's happy. She wags her tail.

2) Her brain is so old. I imagine that it's atrophying from front to back. Thus, eating and eliminating  give her pleasure. And so she wags her tail. 

Although the second is the more parsimonious, I prefer the first. And since I'm not collecting any data, I can have a preference.

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