Books Bygone

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Yes. Mr. Big Food has already started cuttin'. (And he's not the only one!) "Cuttin'" refers to cutting grass-- what Mr. Big Food started today, March 5th. Last year he started cuttin' on April 3rd. 

{"Holy Toledo! The keyboard isn't illuminated?" she asked as she began to type after dark. Wow. Just wow. This explains so many things. How can you be satisfied with an inferior product?)

Those in the know know that this is not good. 

Rocky was digging in the garden today, and so was I. 

I didn't have ... that's a lie. I did have my biologist's hat on long enough to remember that the experts have determined and proclaimed that there's some # of "grubs" per square unit that's acceptable. And I wondered if there were some # of rolly pollies (eat your bread & jam*) that's acceptable, b/c I think we are approaching the limit.

There were a lot of slugs, too. But this is an easy question. The limit is as close to zero as you can get it. I hate slugs. Snails are only trivially more interesting. 
Some have taken interest in the trivial and have learned things. 

It's going to be a challenging year, with respect to bugs.

* this is a fragment of a song lyric, talking about a fat kid. Citation available upon request.

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