Books Bygone

Friday, March 16, 2012

What with the bugs, and the pine pollen,

and Missy shedding her German Shepherd undercoat and all, we agreed that we should crank it down and run the A/C for a few minutes.

It wasn't so much about the temperature-- the house is structured such that it takes a while to warm up/cool down, which is good. It's been unseasonably warm, and the house is still fairly cool. It was about ventilation/circulation. 

When I did research on live animals, I learned about air-exchanges.

We just needed to exchange some air. I'd opened some windows a couple of days ago and let some fresh air in on the wind or whatever-- and I didn't close the windows when I turned the A/C on. 60*. It was cranking. Reset.

I can no longer imagine what it must be like to live in a place where you cannot exchange fresh spring air for the stale winter air in your house.

May God have Pity on Your Soul or something. I'm not up on my verses.

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