Books Bygone

Monday, April 9, 2012

Actions Have Consequences


Origin (from Dictionary dot com):
1350–1400; Middle English  (noun) < Latin consequent-  (stem of consequēns,  present participle of consequī  to follow closely). See con-, sequent

From Dictionary dot com's entrant on "consequent"

[Yes, yes. It is my habit to check old dictionary entries, but it's late. I took a zillion years of Latin and these definitions cohere nicely with my definition of "consequence."]

Actions have consequences.

Right Left: rawhide; Left Right: artsy thing on the mantle.
So when I told Daughter C. that I'd given Rocky a piece of raw hide, and that he'd gently growled at me when I tried to take it away ... . And he did the same thing when she tried to take it away from him as we were eating supper and watching t.v.  ...

There's your rawhide. Up on the mantle.

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