Books Bygone

Thursday, April 19, 2012

'Highway 55N between 4 & 5:45am is not any fun' and other thoughts

It's not quite light by 5:45am, but the frequency of exits with tall street lights is increasing. And it is getting lighter.

The early part was the worst. I lost count of the number of cars who were not smart enough to keep themselves between the lines.  And it's a 4-lane road.

Just FYI: Mr. Big Food has arrived safely at his top secret destination. I'm not kidding about this. I know where he is and I know what he's doing there. I searched for detail. I couldn't find anything. And then he told me that these sorts of things are not publicized all that much. I thought that was funny because I'm pretty sure you paid for Mr. Big Food's limo ride from the airport to the top secret destination.

I choose to go the long 4-lane way to MEM rather than the shorter state highway way to MEM. It was dark--there's more time and space to react to something stupid on the 4-lanes. I did get into the wrong lane as I was leaving MEM and found myself headed to Memphis. I recovered. I took the really back road way home, through Mississippi. Mr. Big Food will be introducing Mississippi to some folks.

The dogs were fine. They did enjoy their runs in the pasture after I got home a little after 9am. I was glad the chairs were dry. There was one thing of note-- so noteworthy that I told Mr. Big Food when he called to describe his top secret location.

One of Bo's cats is dead and the black vultures found it just before Missy and I went for a walk.

Missy is such a Bird Dog!

We share a very short property line with Bo. Bo has a couple of kids-- I think I posted a photo of two of them sliding off the roof of their shed when it snowed a while back-- and a bunch of cats. I do not mind the cats. I don't really keep track of the individuals other than that black one who reminds me of Lemore, but there has been a succession of explorative cats that have patrolled our yard.  I imagine that they are doing their part to keep the rodent and small amphibian populations in check.

Anyway, as soon as we-- Missy & I-- saw the buzzards in the corner of Bo's yard, we knew something was wrong. Buzzards are such nasty creatures but they do serve a purpose. Just as God and the Evolutionary Biologists intended them to do.

Missy couldn't get enough of them. I counted 18-- but I think there was some recruitment going on. There were not 18 when we first saw them. You can ask Missy.

It's dusk and the nighttime birds are becoming active. I know this because I just spent a few minutes outside. This is something Mr Big Food and I know from experience, and that he will try to communicate to some folks. It is really nice here.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I want them to move down here, it's just that I want them to find another target: WV. Mountain Mama.


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