Books Bygone

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I hope she doesn't mind,

but the subject of this post is my response to my friend's comment on this post. My friend says,
Two thumbs up. I don't care who does what, but I certainly do not like being disparaged for what I have chosen to do. You tell 'em, M!!
And so I will talk a lot about my friend. She blogs about homemaking things. She takes lots of how-to pictures of what she bakes and cooks. She refers to a kid-- and, gasp!-- a husband, so be prepared.


She and her husband are thinking about getting their concealed carry permits. She commented on one of the posts about this.

We once got into a ferocious discussion about grammar-- not proper usage or anything so pedestrian, but about the roll grammar-- "proper grammar"-- has in society. She has a degree in Anthropology, so she brings a different perspective to our conversations. Plus, she's smart. She's done things. I think she is/was a realtor. She's smart. I know for sure she was a waitress.

But I think she is a liberal (with a little "l"). 

Poor Dear.


  1. I'm not the biggest fan of the, "lol," but this makes me laugh out loud. Who gets into ferocious conversations about grammar?! Answer-- You and me. You and yours are the coolest. We need to visit you soon.

    1. Indeed, we are coming to the Nati soon! I am keeping Mr. Big Food's identity a closely guarded secret (right) but you know where to go to discover the details.

  2. Ummm...that would be "you and I"...

    Another grammar nerd...

  3. Naaah. Just a preceding pronoun what the heck do you call that?

  4. Heh. I responded...but the response disappeared! Swallowed up by the great internet, I suppose. diagram necessary...just a pronoun case agreement comparison. If that's what you call it...! "Who gets into..." "You and I get into..."

  5. :D That was the whole point of the discussion Marica and I engaged in (or rather, that which we engaged, should one still adhere to Victorian standards preposition positioning)!! I think that colloquial use, or 'misuse' as may be, is often necessary for conveying tone and effect that may otherwise be lost by using 'correct' grammar. Also, as languages are living entities defined by those who speak them natively, being able to identify that which is 'correct' is a sketchy enterprise. As for formal v/s informal, I think those sorts of judgments are more clear cut. However, you're right. I should have said, "I." :) I screw things up all the time!

    1. If I'm not mistaken, we extended the ferocious fight to include manners as well. What can I say? While everyone else is talking metaphyscience, we were having a meaningful discussion!

  6. Ah. The old "that is something up with which I shall not put" thing....

    I tend to note those things in conversation, and if possible work around them. In writing, it's easier to rework the whole thing to avoid the issue.

    1. Are you familiar with "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves"?

      The ? was purposefully placed.

      If not, I highly recommend it. I am even going go to the trouble of finding the Amazon link. It is a wonderful little book.

  7. Somewhat...but the link is appreciated.


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