Books Bygone

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A dog's life

She escaped from this deck several times.
Once, Mr Big Food, Max, & I had to rescue her from the middle of Colerain Avenue. That was not fun. I don't know this for a fact because I wasn't there, but I heard Max chased Suzy more times than I know about.

Once, Suzy went missing for several weeks. She turned up.

Missy has figured it out.


  1. She was a very good dog who lived a very, very long life. Suzy will be missed, more than you probably know.

  2. No. I think we were pretty good about how we anticipated this. She is missed. But we figured out long ago how we would deal with it. The worst is the habit of thinking she's still here.

  3. Oh, guys. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    1. Thanks, Becca. We miss her but she had a long rich life.

  4. I'm so sorry about Suzy. From what you shared she was a great dog!


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