Books Bygone

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Mr. Big Food has arrived home on time. I can close out the Delta tabs. 

One of the first comments he made to me in the truck as we were leaving the airport was that he'd forgotten how rude people are. He said after the first several attempts to greet a fellow human in a hallway or while passing through a doorway he was met with nothing, so he just gave up. 

He didn't day this, but if I may,
Screw you guys, I'm goin' home.
He also tells us that happy people rent bicycles and go bicycling out there.  

Everyone is happy Mr. Big Food is Home on the Farm. 

Now to the food part.
Typically, when Mr. Big Food is gone for a day or more, he returns wanting to cook/grill and we put something delicious together quickly. This was not a typical return, but fortunately, Daughter C. and our friend U came home baring salmon & vegetables. And we have some veggies, too. U likes to cook and C knows where things are and how things work. 

So when Mr. Big Food and I arrived back at the farm, the girls were in the midst of preparing a glorious Saturday Supper. 

Reheated baked salmon. I was impressed that U understood how difficult this is. She'd baked it seasoned a day ago. Dicey. It was perfect.

Assorted squash. Braised? She flash fried it in a pan with olive oil but it came out of the oven. Curry was involved.

Basmati rice.

Salad. Oh what a joy it is to see Daughter C. harvesting the garden. "Mom. Where's the lettuce?"

You know, if she had been paying attention, she would have noticed that lettuce isn't as plentiful as it once was. 

I should have made her find it herself, but I showed her where the New Zealand spinach is.

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