Books Bygone

Monday, June 25, 2012

If you support me...

I can reach for the sky.

I must have dropped a sunflower seed.
Five varieties of blackeyed peas form the perimeter of the squash patch, whose western side is the wall of a structure (against which some okra are planted). In one corner of the patch, I planted some sunflowers. Apparently, I dropped a sunflower seed in a row of blackeyed peas. I saw it early on and wondered what would happen.

I planted the blackeye seeds a couple of inches apart, thinking that they'd support themselves-- and they have. But I think I like this sunflower support. I think I'll start planting sunflower seeds with blackeyes from now on. You can never have too much support. (And I mean that in a good, Libertarian sort of way. Not in a guvment sort of way.)

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