Books Bygone

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Recipe: Ed's Hot Squash

With 15,000 or so recipes in Mr. Big Food's Big Food Manual and Survivalist Flourishing Guide we seldom have the same dish more than once. But there are exceptions and Ed's Hot Squash is one, as you can see from this dated photo.


Serves 4-6

3 medium squash or zucchini, cubed
1 large white onion, chopped coarse
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
8 oz shredded Jack cheese with peppers
1 Tbsp milk
Cajun seasoning
3 slices bread, toasted, buttered, and cubed (for topping)

Preheat oven to 350o. Boil zucchini with onion, salt, and sugar until tender. Drain well and put into bowl. Stir in cheese and milk, stirring until cheese melts. Pour into casserole or baking dish. Sprinkle with Cajun seasoning and top with bread cubes. Bake until bubbly 20-30 minutes.


“May use Velveeta cheese with 2 chopped jalapeno peppers [can use pickled, and preferably home canned—see recipes in Canning … section]”

“HOT ZUCCHINI: Add 1 chopped bell pepper and 1 chopped peeled fresh tomato,  boiled with squash, to hot squash recipe.”


  1. I take it that the squash plants have started producing?

    I'll have to pull down my notebook with the "Zucchini Surplus?" recipes and see if I can find anything you don't already have...!

    There's one for a shredded Zucchini salad that was pretty good...

    1. Ah. Yes! I took C a whole basket filled to the brim to her office today. 50 cents for bigger ones, 25 for smaller. I think we'll keep the rest and freeze some more, make more zucchini bread & freeze it... .

      Please! If you have zucchini recipes send them along. One can never have too many zucchini or zucchini recipes.


      I just mentioned your offer of recipes to the Mister and he is excited to see more recipes. I'm going to update the blog to make recipes sharing easier. Stay tuned.

  2. I was reviewing my recipe supply this AM - can't find the Shredded Zucchini salad one. Darn. This is where the computer file would come in handy. My biggest problem with having all my cut out recipes is finding the ones I want...which is why, after trying one and liking it, I usually put it on a card and put it in my index file. I can see now that it needs to be a four step operation: 1) Find recipe. 2) Try recipe. 3) If good, copy on index card and file. 4) Enter recipe into computer.

    What program does Mr.Big use to save his recipes? Is it searchable? (meaning, can he search by ingredient, or just by name) My son says his daughter is using a program which not only allows search by ingredients, but will produce a shopping list for the recipe. Gotta find out what program that one is! (not that I need the shopping list, but it's a nice reminder feature to allow you to mentally check out the pantry) For him, the shopping list is definitely a feature because apparently Daughter is entering Mom's recipes, then when she wants him to pick up something when he's out, Daughter can pull up the recipe and forward the list to him as a text message. No "wait a minute while I find something to write with/on" while he's at the store. And no missing stuff. Technology can be cool!

    1. Technology can be cool. I love it. And that program sounds way cool.

      Too bad about the zucchini salad. I was looking forward to trying it!

      Now. Here's the thing about Mr. Big Food & his Big Food Manual. First, I'll ask you to swallow and put down that drink because I don't want any harm to come to your keyboard or screen. Ready? Each recipe is an individual Word Document. Each is filed in a folder nested within a folder nested within a folder ... .

      For example, you'd find the recipe for Ed's Hot Squash here:

      Computer--> C--> Recipes--> Big Food--> Veggies--> Squash including winter squash, pumpkin--> Ed's Hot Squash

      You may get a kick out of the location of The Broadway Zucchini Bread:

      Computer--> ... Baked Goods and Batters--> Assorted Goodies--> Veggie Fruit and Nut Breads--> The Broadway Zucchini Bread

      On occasion I've had to find a recipe myself. It's a good think I can think like Mr. Big Food when I have to!

      We have talked about indexing, etc. We've talked with Kat about putting it all online, too. The problem is that while many are sourced (e.g., Creative Cooking Something; "from ___") the vast majority have no source in the recipe and there are possible copyright issues if we'd put it on line or do an eBook. Usually he can tell when a recipe has come from based on when the document was created and what book he was culling recipes from at that time, but not always.

      So. The short answer is that it's not exactly searchable outside of the search capacities of Word and whatever operating system he has on that stupid computer.

      He shares it with folks via his external harddrive.

      Not an optimal situation. On the other hand, it makes sending individual recipes quick b/c each is only about 54k.

  3. I _will_ find it. I just have to dig a little deeper. I'm sure it's still around. When I find it, I'll send it to you. I'll also try to scan and send a few of the others - one caught my attention...a Chocolate cake with zucchini. "Chocolate Ole" I think? In any case, I don't bake much any more...DH is "pre-diabetic", whatever that means. Actually what it means is that he's on a daily medication and even though he wasn't _that_ overweight, he lost 20 lbs, asked the doctor if he could get off the daily, and the doctor said..."I think you misunderstood're on that medication for life". Hmmm. So. No cakes. No yummies.


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