Books Bygone

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ethogram 2: Dragon Flies, Hummingbirds, and Traffic (Control)

This evening, Mr. Big Food grilled burgers. And we had "Beer Potato Salad" in a dry county. And we chatted with Daughter C. (Those paying attention know that that means something different is about to happen.)

At one point, I was sitting at the picnic table chatting with Mr. Big Food and watching the dragonflies. 

You should be able to see two dragonflies and one hummingbird.
I took nearly 100 photos while Mr. Big Food grilled burgers. I'm just going through them now.

Go ahead, click to make it bigger.

None do justice to the reality. 

There were dragonflies freaking everywhere. This happened last year, too. I could not detect any pattern to their individual movements. Oh. Wait. I should be focusing on the collective, shouldn't I be? 

The 93rd photo of 93 photos in the folder 'dragonfly hummingbird traffic'
"Traffic" is a reference to the power outage situation in Our Nation's Capital where the traffic lights aren't working. Sounds like they are buzzin' around like dragonflies, don't it?



  1. I can't believe you don't like hummingbirds. I thought everyone liked hummingbirds?!

  2. Not me. I tolerate them. I feed them because they are interesting to watch. But I don't much care for them.

    Happy Independence Day!!


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