Books Bygone

Friday, July 6, 2012

UPDATED We had a Big Supper / I Winged an Armadillo

UPDATE. I must have just missed. No buzzards in sight. Good thing too because I investigated and discovered that armadillos are not nuisance animals in Mississippi.

Marinated shrimp. Corn in butter & garlic & whatever herbs I contributed.
Interrupted by a stupid armadillo.  We'll see where the buzzards are tomorrow.
In so far as armadillos can limp, this particular armadillo was limping away.

I take no pleasure in killing vertebrates. But when an armadillo is wandering around your yard, you have to ask yourself, "Is nature in balance here?" 

The answer is no, and so this particular armadillo is buzzard food, thanks to me.

And then it rained.

We could use some rain.


  1. 2 questions:

    Why is the armadillo in the yard a threat/problem? and second...

    What about the dogs? how do they react to armadillos? how do armadillos react to _them_?

    I guess that's 4 questions...but really, 2 with a follow up!

  2. They are a problem because of the vegetables. It was heading straight for the pea/squash/okra patch which is up against the side of the house, near the patio. They are serious diggers-- and now having seen the little rascal in the yard many things are explained.

    The dogs have not interacted with an armadillo yet. They were both inside the house at the time.

    Also, to get back to your first question where you called them a threat-- this is the first live armadillo I've seen during the day time, although MBF has seen a couple out on the property. So two things. It was DAY time still, and it was coming basically straight at us. (Armadillos have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell.) Sounds like unusual behavior to me. And unusual behavior from a nasty wild critter can signal a problem.

  3. Buzzards had one down here on the side of the road the other day. Funny thing, I've never seen a live one.

  4. Yeah. The more I think of it, the weirder it gets.


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