Books Bygone

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dear Mother Nature,

Enough's enough already! With all due respect-- and we have a lot of R-e-s-p-e-c-t for you-- it's time to attend to HS & SEC football.

Please turn off the rain.

Thank you.

Love from Mississippi,



  1. I hope it goes away soon. Are they lighting you up with tornado warnings?

  2. Nah. We has tornado watches until 10pm but thankfully nothing came of them. Despite the forecast, it's trying to clear out this morning. Still a lot of clouds and breezy. I just looked and "they" are saying there's the potential for tornadoes but no watch has been issued.

    Hope it stays that way.

    How are things down there? Is there a lot of clean up to do?


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.