Books Bygone

Monday, August 6, 2012

Picture this & that

This more closely resembles what the book looks like to my eye than that-- although this  still needs work. (I'm learning.)

I corrected the photo using GIMP, a free photo editing program for PC and MAC, and following Kat's video instruction at Kat blogs about photography at Pare and Focus. (Links to all stuff GIMP at at Pare and Focus.) Here's a taste
You can make great pictures with almost any camera. There, I said it.
Here’s the thing… Every time I say that, I can hear people thinking “Oh yeah? Says you with the fancy pants camera…” or “Sure you can with a NEW camera, but not my old camera…”

So last week, I gave myself a challenge. I thought I would put my money where my mouth is by taking some pictures with my husband's 4 year old, 7 Megapixel point and shoot camera instead of my fancy pants DSLR and macro lens. I wanted to make a picture with the point and shoot that I might confuse for a DSLR picture. And I have to say… I think I got close!

I used a little in camera technique, and some tricks in GIMP to turn that point and shoot picture into a photo that almost looks like it was taken with my fancy pants DSLR!

By the way, I've seen Kat's fancy pants camera and if she can get close to the quality of her camera with a four year old point and shoot... I have a lot to learn.

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