Books Bygone

Monday, October 8, 2012

Miss M has arrived | 1066, The Norman Line Begins

Background, from L to R: Rocky, Daughter C, Miss M. Foreground, the Incredibly Well Behaved Missy
And naturally, as soon as I type the words, "Well Behaved," Missy launches into a little tirade of "I know I was just out for 15 minutes but I'm bored and think I need to go out again" yapps. "Shut. Up," I say in a calm and assertive voice.

Tonight was veggie night. Daughter C asked how much bacon was involved-- a fair question to ask of a veggie night's menu. Alas, there was no bacon! ;-(

Mr. Big Food suggested that instead of watching a crappy NFL game, we might all enjoy watching another episode of Saturday Night, the Second Season-- the season where the future Senator from Minnesota makes embarrassing appearances. (They were not yet calling it Saturday Night Live.) The episode we'd be watching was guest hosted by Eric Idol-- of Monty Python as we explained to Miss M. We all liked the idea.

The episode begins with Eric Idol rolling out a red carpet for a woman who really does look like a young, but mature, Queen Elizabeth. Idol's monologue is funny. His point? The big difference between America and Great Britain is money. Great Britain doesn't have enough. (Americans have paid no royalty fee for the use of the English Language.) Therefore, we will have a telethon to raise money for Great Britain.

And here's where crappy old stuff kicks in. The number to call is 555-1066.

I said, "Magan Carta" and was shot down by Mr. Big Food, Daughter C., Miss M., Rocky and Missy. Everybody but me remembered the Magna Carta was 1215.

And then what happened is something I'll never forget.  I went for A Manual of English History (1877), C went for the World Book Encyclopedia, Miss M. just sat there and consulted her phone.

1066. Battle of Hastings.

1066: The Norman Line begins
 I do not claim to know anything about the Battle of Hastings. But I do claim pride in my daughters.


  1. This makes me both laugh and cheer!! :)

    1. Me, too! I've been told there will be some vegan baking this Fall. How great is that?

    2. Looking forward to the vegan baking posts!


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