Books Bygone

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mississippi Constitutional Congress

Mr. Big Food and I have changed our Saturday plans so that we can attend. And go to Bass Pro Shop! Here's the email announcement from Mississippi for Liberty:

Last night American's spoke and they said that they wanted four more years of out of control spending.  They want four more years of "too big to fail", four more years of the same delusional thinking that government will solve all of our problems.

It pains me to say that we can't afford four more years.  It's time for you to give up any hope you have that this problem is going to be solved from the top down.  What has gone awry in Washington is not going to be fixed there.

We have no more excuses.  It's time that we stopped hoping for a hero.  It's time that we realize that nothing is going to change if liberty loving Americans who respect the Constitution continue to sit on the sidelines while our freedoms are stolen from us daily.

It's time to get involved.  Watching the news, reading books and lecturing your friends on Facebook does not count.

Luckily you have an opportunity to make a difference right here at home.

This Saturday, November 10th Mississippi for Liberty is hosting the Mississippi Constitutional Congress in Jackson at the Hilton Hotel on County Line Road.  The event will begin at 10:30AM and last until 6:00PM.

This isn't a rally.  There will be no sign waving.  This is a gathering of pro-liberty patriots from across the state who are serious about making a difference in their local and state government.

Come and learn how you can make a difference right here at home.


For Liberty,
Jim Cunningham
Mississippi for Liberty

Here's more, and more.

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