Books Bygone

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Freedom to homeschool
at HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) via Tea Party Economist via Newsalert

In case you can't read the legend, Green=Good (fewest regulations); Yellow; Orange: Red=Bad. The site has a state specific list.

Mississippi (in part):
A child must be educated in a “legitimate home instruction program” which is one that is not operated for the “purpose of avoiding or circumventing the compulsory attendance law.” Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-91(3)(c).  

It is not the intention of this section to impair the primary right and the obligation of the parent ... to choose the proper education and training” for their children, and nothing in this section shall be construed to grant the State of Mississippi “authority to control, manage or supervise” the private education of children. “And this section shall never be construed so as to grant, by implication or otherwise, any right or authority to any state agency or other entity to control, manage, supervise, provide for or affect the operation, management, program, curriculum, admissions policy or discipline of any such school or home instruction program.” Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-91(9).

[My emphasis]

This was not the attitude in Ohio when we lived there. Trust me. 

BONUS POINTS if you spotted the grammatical error in the high-lighted phrase.

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