Books Bygone

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


My response to Daughter C's response to my email discussing the menu responsibilities for Thanksgiving dinner (we provide turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, pies and maybe cranberries; Miss M does a vegan version of green bean casserole; others are asked to contribute):
And as always, let folks know that if the tryptophan & wine are just too much (think Seinfeld), they can overnight here at the Farm. 
Right now, we're planning on just shy of a dozen-- but there may be more Thanksgiving Orphans out there. We just don't know.

On a related note-- thanks to a brief conversation with Kat while at the Whole Foods in Memphis-- I SCORED! A vegan 'Field Roast'-- whatever that is & not that there's anything wrong with that-- that Miss M. loves. Whew. 

More on Whole Foods later. Now I am off to help Mr. Big Food prepare entrant #1 in this year's Fall Winter Soup Contest. This is a Big You-Know-Whatin'-Deal. 

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