Books Bygone

Monday, November 26, 2012


Via Daughter C. whose boyfriend* participated in making this video about Jackson, Mississippi. Interesting. The garden plots are awesome!

[One typo in the first 10 seconds. The population of Jackson has lost 11,000 people, not 1000.]

*UPDATE: In case you were looking for him, Mr. Bow Tie is not pictured. He's one of the video's creators. 

*UPDATE 2: I stand corrected. From the comments, "*Mr. Bow-Tie actually does make a brief appearance in the last thirty seconds exiting peaches restaurant."  


  1. Thanks for the write up Marica. Glad you enjoyed it. We'll actually be showing at Midtown Holiday Studio Tours Thursday in the 121 Studio complex if anyone is in town and would like to stop by.

    *Mr. Bow-Tie actually does make a brief appearance in the last thirty seconds exiting peaches restaurant.

    1. Thanks! Obviously I missed you. But then again, I wasn't looking for you!


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