Books Bygone

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, Miss M. suggested

that I blog about my new lamp. And so tonight I shall.

I got it from Fred's. It's orange.
Fred's can be a great place to shop. I say "can" because some Fred's are better and cleaner than others. Fortunately, the Fred's in my little town turned out to be a great place to shop when I needed a new lamp for the redecorated Comfortable Guest Room.


Note the

hints of orange.

Sadly, I didn't snap a shot of the white embroidered pillow cases with hints of orange.
As we all know, overviews do not a Comfortable Guest Room make. Attention to detail will give Comfort to your Guests. (I know because I read about this in a crappy old book.)

The first thing a Comfortable Guest Room needs is a Comfortable Dog

laying on a Comfortable Bed.
And because your Comfortable Guest Room cannot be too Comfortable, the next thing it needs is Comfortable Dog #2

sitting in a Comfortable Chair
along side Comfortable Dog #1 who is sitting Comfortably on a 30-year old something skin rug. 

More detail-- and a glimpse of Miss M. expecting something-- below the fold.

On the desk, opposite the Orange Lamp (see Overview, above), is a Flower Vase of Pipets. (Laura, I'm looking at y'all.)

You make do with what God gives you. God gave me the opportunity a few years ago to scarf up a whole lot of science stuff. This is the kind of thing at which our Guests next month-- and we're having a boat load of them-- will smile.
Guests can read all about it.

In my first attempt at redecorating the uber Comfortable Guest Room, I'd put this drawing above the bed.

Miss M. alerted me that this was not right.
So I moved it. 

Note the hints of Orange on the cheap shelf.

 And then Miss M. complained that she's been replaced by a crucifix.

As the Dogs and I were tidy up the Comfortable Guest Room, we happened to look out the window. 

I don't know about you but here on the Farm

we have Great Expectations!

I imagine that we will have Great Success. The Comfortable Guest Room is about as Comfortable as Can Be!


  1. I'm going to have to get you some multi-color squeezy bulbs for those pipette tops lol!


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