Books Bygone

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Invitations to the Dinner Party: 1

We've sent off the first batch of invitations!
Each of us placed our guest's name at a place at the table. From top to bottom, left to right

Harper Lee (author)-- Daughter C.
Mark Twain (author pseudonym)-- Miss M.
Gordon Ramsey (chef)-- A. Leland
John von Neumann (mathematician)-- Tony
T. Jefferson (patriot)-- Marica
Patrick Stewart (actor)-- Kat
John Ford (film director)-- Mr. Big Food

I am sad to say I did not properly communicate the rules to Kat initially. Her first pick was Grandpa Bobby. I had to tell her that people from personal lives are not allowed. This was a point of discussion when we discussed the rules last evening. I was tempted to make an exception. Kat-- not being part of last night's discussion-- was, at the time she invited Grandpa Bobby, ignorant of the rules. But rules are rules. Besides, according to one widely-held World View, Grandpa Bobby is at all of our dinner parties, real and imaginary!


OH! I know who I'm inviting next!! 


  1. It's OK. I would prefer a tea party with Grandpa anyway. And, I also know who my next guest will be! I'm excited to tell you!

    1. Well, you're up first this evening! (We're going in rolling reverse chronological order.) Can't wait to hear!


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.