Books Bygone

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

More Guests! | Invitations to the Dinner Party 2

The Table is more than half occupied!
Earlier today, one new player joined the game. As we are only on the second round of play, Miss M's Friend traveled back in time and invited George Carlin last evening.

Tonight, we invited eight guests-- and there was beginning to be some consideration as to where Guests were seated. 

Let's just go clockwise around the Table, beginning with Harper Lee (Daughter C's invite from last evening) who is seated on the left at the top Head of the Table. Tonight's invited Guests are in red with commonly known occupations* and host's name noted. For orientation purposes, Table corners are represented by the symbols "⊢" "⊣" "⊤" and "⊥"**; empty seats by "--"

Harper Lee
Jack Kerouac (author; Miss M's Friend)

George Carlin
Robert Johnson (blues musician; Miss M)
Patrick Stewart
Richard Feinman (physicist; Tony)
Samuel Colt (gunsmith; Mr. Big Food)
John Ford

Martin Luther King, Jr. (preacher; me)

T. Jefferson
C.S. Lewis (author; Daughter C)
Teddy Roosevelt (US President; Kat)
John von Neumann
Lewis Carroll (pseudonym; author; A. Leland)
Gordon Ramsey
Mark Twain

So. There you have it! 

This is a fluid game!!! 

Last evening, after I posted about the game, I thought I knew who I would invite tonight. Miss M texted me after she'd read that post. She didn't say, but she'd guessed it! That guy's still on my list, but I didn't invite him tonight. This morning, Mr. Big Food announced he was inviting a woman! Who is that woman? It's not Sam Colt who's sitting in the corner with John Ford. 

Look where C.S. Lewis is-- in that corner with TJ & MLK. Oh. To be a fly on that wall. 

Look at that empty chair between MLK and John Ford. 

* "Known" occupations does all of our Guests a serious disservice. Ain't nobody invited that cain't spit and chew gum at the same time.

** I think  ⊢ ⊣ ⊤and ⊥ might actually mean something. But for my purposes, they are Table corners.

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