Books Bygone

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Only a Few Seats Left | The Dinner Party

We'll pull up two more chairs tomorrow.*
Tonight we sent invitations to

Representative Ron Paul (patriot; Mr. Big Food)
Antonín Leopold Dvořák (composer; me)
Alan Alda (actor; Miss M)
Oscar Wilde (playwrite; Miss M's Friend)
Freddy Mercury (musician; Kat)
Gene Roddenbury (policeman and screenwriter; Daughter C)
Joel Salatin (farmer; Tony)
Alvin Plantinga (philosopher; A. Leland)

With just one round left, here is the seating arrangement for Table 2 (as before, funny corner symbols represent table corners, blank spaces represent empty chairs):*

Philip K. Dick 

Gene Roddenbury

Alvin Plantinga
Bertrand Russell
Joel Salatin
Hunter S. Thompson
Willie Nelson
Ron Paul
John Wayne
Grace Kelly
Nassin Taleb


Jerry Garcia


Keith Richards
Thomas Edison
Denis Leary
Alan Alda
Oscar Wilde
William Shatner  

As we near the end of our little game-- which, by the way, has no clear "objective" other than our having fun-- I thought it might be useful to post Table 1's seating arrangement and a word or two about us.*

Table 1

Harper Lee
Jack Kerouac  

George Carlin
Henry David Thoreau
Robert Johnson 
Patrick Stewart
Quinton Terantino
Benjamin Franklin
Richard Feinman 
Jesse James 
Lauren Becall (age 19)
Samuel Colt John Ford

Robert E. Lee
Martin Luther King, Jr. 

T. Jefferson
C.S. Lewis 
Ayn Rand
Teddy Roosevelt 
Neal Stephenson 
John von Neumann
Lewis Carroll 
Christopher Wallace 
Julia Child
Gordon Ramsey
Mark Twain

* By decree-- I make the rules but Mr. Big Food issues the decrees-- we eight players in the Imaginary Dinner Party Game are figurative flies on the walls. (No one wants literal flies on walls at a Dinner Party.) Looking at the two tables, I think this is the best way to go. It could have been worse. Mr. Big Food might have decreed that we had to serve!

Wonder if Mr. Big Food has thought about an imaginary menu?


  1. I've been thinking about who would demand to be fed first. I can hear William Shatner's aside, "When are we gonna eat?" And I'd bet Willie would pipe up, after smoking some reefer, and ask where the food was. But, I think Ben Franklin or Teddy Roosevelt would demand to be fed, seeing as they are somewhat overweight old blow-hards. What do you think?

  2. I would think Gordon Ramsey would demand to know what's taking so bloody long.

  3. Maybe there would be a some clinking of the silverware and a little chant, "We want food, we want food." And given how many musicians there are, I bet it would be a lovely little chant!


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.