Books Bygone

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

For the Birds!

A red bellied woodpecker which often visited a deck near the south fork of the Shenandoah River
My friend Becca has a musing up over at Keep Guessing. It begins
It's bewildering how random the world can sometimes seem. I never saw that movie about the butterfly and the wings and all that, but I know and appreciate the sentiment. One insignificant action changes the course of your life in such a major way. 
Here's my bit of randomness-- minor, not major--- for the day. I was looking for something quite specific concerning the history of the free press in England and I stumbled upon this lovely little "sermon" by St. Francis.

From Modern Eloquence: A Library of the World's Best Spoken Thought Vol. X, edited by Ashley H. Thorndike, published in 1941 by B.F. Collier & Son Corporation, New York.

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