Books Bygone

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


As I mentioned just moments ago
[It's a game, people! And here at the Farm we take our games and other silly stuff quite seriously. We need time. No one wants to just blurt something out without thinking first. And speaking of silly stuff... . Work on the Tardis is progressing nicely!] 
Customized plans are serious.
Daughter C has asked me to not post any more photos of the Tardis as a Work-in-progress until after the Party. And so I shall just collect photos of the Tardis as a Work-in-Progress and save them up until after the Party. 

She did not, however, ask me to not comment. So I shall. HOLY COW! Wait until you see it!!

There's a Tardis cake, courtesy of Miss M, coming soon, too.

I wonder if, after the Party, I might be able to find a permanent home for the Tardis here at the Farm?  


  1. You can comment, no photos though!

    And I think it should have a permanent home at the farm as well.

  2. No photos. Period.

    Good. Now we just have to figure out where!


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.