Books Bygone

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Daughter C and Mr. Bow Tie went to the store this morning. (Yes. The cigarette store was open on Easter.) When they returned, Miss M said to Daughter C, "Where's my dollar?" And Daughter C handed Miss M one United States dollar.

Daughter C asked, "How did you know I had your dollar?"

"Because I knew the girl at the store would give you my dollar."

To which Daughter C replied, "That's why I love this county."

As it turns out, a couple of days ago the lady ahead of Miss M was short $1, so Miss M gave her $1 and the girl at the store told Miss M the lady was good for it and to just collect it next time she-- Miss M-- was in the store. And because Miss M and Daughter C are sisters, the girl at the store gave Miss M's $1 to Daughter C. 

They don't do this sort of thing in Starkvegas. And that's why we love our little county.

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