Books Bygone

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We Were Just Talking About This

VIDEO: GUY IN BLOOMBERG GUN-CONTROL ADS BREAKS ALL THE MAJOR RULES OF GUN SAFETY: “I really do hate to be a stickler, but if there’s one thing to be a stickler about, the basic rules of gun safety while you’re in an ad for alleged advocates of gun safety is a pretty good choice.”

Here's what I said Saturday:
We begin with the rules because contrary to what some folks in Crazyland think, the vast majority of gun tottin' folks are not crazy. We then move on to a .22 or two.
Here's how we do shooting at the Farm when we have guests.

1. We announce that we'll be shooting between the hours of x-y. If you want to shoot, come out before y. If you'd don't, arrive after y. This works out well. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

2. We do begin with the rules. Rule aught is no drinking before before or during shooting times.

3. Rule One is that we treat every gun as a loaded gun even if we know it's not loaded. 

4. Always point the gun in a safe direction.

5.  Finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot. 

6. Know you're target and what's beyond. 

And then it becomes audience participation. What rules have we forgotten? 

And then it's everyone's business to make sure the rules aren't broken. 

Alternative post title: How To Make A Culture    

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