Books Bygone

Thursday, April 4, 2013

And Nice Come Back!

You'll recall that Nassim Taleb (Tony) said, "The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary."

To which Mitch Hedberg (Miss M's Friend) replied, "I used to do drugs. I still do drugs. But I used to, too."

That's pretty funny if you don't mind being famous and dead.

From the infallible Wikipedia on Hedberg:

On March 29, 2005, Hedberg was found dead in a hotel room in Livingston, New Jersey.[11] He was 37 years old. Hedberg was born with a heart defect for which he received extensive treatment as a child.[1][12] It was initially speculated that this condition may have played a part in his death. The New Jersey medical examiner's office reported "multiple drug toxicity" in the form of cocaine and heroin as the official cause of death.[1]

Hedberg's death was formally announced on April 1, 2005, leading many to believe it was an April Fool's joke, only to find out later that it was not. His funeral was held at St. Ambrose of Woodbury Church in Minnesota,[13] and he is buried at Roselawn Cemetery in St. Paul.

Hedberg was interviewed by Jonathan Davis in the December 2001 issue of Penthouse. In the interview, published three years before his death, he was asked "If you could choose, how would you end your life?" His response was "First, I'd want to get famous, and then I'd overdose. If I overdosed at this stage in my career, I would be lucky if it made the back pages."
 Just as an aside-- what the heck kind of question is that? "How would you end your life?" 

Not, "How will your life end?" to which one could reply  "in green pastures," or "surrounded by loved ones," or simply, "gracefully." 

Maybe the interviewer shouldn't have given Mitch any ideas. 

Note that Nassim Taleb is still alive

Any hooo... . Here's the full thread of the conversation along the Right Side of Table 2.  

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