Books Bygone

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Dawgs are Practicing

And, you know, practice makes perfect! Truth be told, if practice makes a winning season next year, we'd be happy.

I took many photos.

I am not a photographer.

I am not a sports photographer.
It's going to take a cup of coffee and a piece of pound cake for me to sort through my photos and edit them. I'll be using GIMP-- better than Photoshop (TM) and free-- and I'll just be trying to make the photos reflect (haha) what we saw. [Photo above definitely not edited in GIMP. Gimp & I can do better.]

Meanwhile, for those inclined to shut their kids up by gagging them with an iSomething, may I suggest Fresh Air, Exercise, and Sunshine?

1 comment:

  1. In addition to fresh air, sunshine etc. don't forget dirt. Kids need dirt.


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