Books Bygone

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just so You Know

Via linking to Patterico's Pontifications
Senators are questioning whether the National Security Agency collected bulk data on more than just Americans’ phone records, such as firearm and book purchases.
I'd seen the bit about the gun registry the other day and thought, "But of course." But this was the first mention of BOOKS I'd seen.

Patterico links to The Washington Free Beacon
The senators noted that the federal government’s authority under Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act is broad and rife with potential for abuse. Among the senators’ concerns was whether the NSA’s bulk data harvesting program could be used to construct a gun registry or violate other privacy laws.

“It can be used to collect information on credit card purchases, pharmacy records, library records, firearm sales records, financial information, and a range of other sensitive subjects,” the senators wrote. “And the bulk collection authority could potentially be used to supersede bans on maintaining gun owner databases, or laws protecting the privacy of medical records, financial records, and records of book and movie purchases.”
[my emphasis]

Just so you know, Mr./Ms-Low-Man-On-The-Totem-Pole-Who's-Tasked-With-Following-My-Little-Blog, this coming Monday is the first Monday of the month. That's the once-a-month day the Public Library in Starkvegas has its book sale. I'll be there. I'll be especially interested purchasing crappy old books pertaining to American and English history, as well as those containing practical information such as how to properly tar and feather folks.

Since I'll be paying cash for my crappy old book purchases, it will be somewhat difficult for you to know just what books I'll add to by crappy old library. So, just so you know, I'll file a post with details. I appreciate that you must have a lot of little blogs to follow so just check back at your convenience. 

The more I read about the Grievances, the more I appreciate how pissed off the Colonists must have been.

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