Books Bygone

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Place Your Bets!

What are the odds that it will be a reasonably interesting day here on the Farm?

June 19

Blaise Pascal. 1623-1662. French philosopher and mathematician.

In less than five minutes, Mr. Big Food schooled me on 1) a rational argument for the existence of God; 2) the axioms of probability theory; 3) the correlation between being a brilliant mathematician and being "certifiably nuts"; 4) and for good measure, the state of mathematics in England-- nearly 100 years before Pascal-- after the plague.

We country mice sure are a boring lot, don't ya know?


  1. As far as I understand it, that only rational argument for justifying belief in God is there is no argument that can disprove the existence of God. Because arguments of infallibility, miracles, biblical "truths", etc. are all logically flawed.

  2. Pascal's Wager:


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