Books Bygone

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The absence of Danger Bird on the power line in the morning may portend the start of a bad day.
--Miss M

This one may need some 'splainin'. Danger Bird, a.k.a. Mordikay (sp), is a hawk who sat all summer long on the power line above the corn field next to the mini-storage place that's next to Jesse& Mary's welding shop just outside of town. In another life, or maybe later in this one, Miss M would have been / still may will be a good old fashioned ornithologist. I believe it was Daughter C who renamed Mordikay "Danger Bird" for reasons that are unknown to me. Anyway...  they cut the corn field and Danger Bird is now no longer hanging around.

Change. It happens. 

Black cats portend evil but cats of any stripe are no good at all.
--A. Leland
In the dead of night barking hounds portend an intruder, so she loaded the 12-guage.
Current events and trends portend the instability of the United States, and its coming dissolution into numerous regional republics.*
--Mr. Big Food

Daughter C is off somewhere doing something to do with a friend's upcoming wedding. I'll post her sentence as I have it.

*Note to Mr.-Low-Man-On-The-Totem-Pole-Who's-Tasked-With-Reading-My-Little-Blog: Chill out. It's not like we're criticizing Common Core or being extremists like those dudes in the crappy olden days. We're just making up sentences. Hell. Monkeys can make up sentences.

Get on board. We're just having fun. Like in the Wiemar Republic. :-)

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